Monday, 8 July 2013

A2 Preliminary Evaluation - Post-Production

Once all of the filming was complete, we had to decide as a class which shots were most suitable for editing and which could be discarded altogether. Afterwards, we split into groups and edited individual videos with the same footage, so as to all take part in the editing process and gain confidence in using the software. We organised the shots in order of the storyboard and cut them down to match the correct time-span. Once shots were placed into the editing software, the audio had to be removed and replaced with the audio of the song. The editing had to match the audio and so most of the hard work was making sure that the lip-synching was in time and that the beat of the song matched the drumming etc. We added fading effects so as to create a smoother transition between shots, as well as including a starry background to close the video. A disco effect was added to open the video and a fading effect was also added to the audio to prevent an abrupt halt to the song when the video ended. The process was time-consuming due to the precision required to create a professional look about the video, but was worthwhile in tying the whole thing together and allowed us to smooth out all rough edges. Next time, I would take more care over the quality of filming and the quantity of shots taken, as this restricted what could be done in the editing process. 

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